LMG Event Code of Conduct

At LMG, we believe in coming together at events and are proud of the communities and relationships we have worked hard to build over many years.  Our events and communities offer opportunities for growth, development, networking and celebration. 

When we come together, we are committed to creating  a welcoming, safe, inclusive and respectful environment for everyone, and ask that everyone play their role in this. 

Loan Market Group (LMG) strives to uphold and maintain professional standards including appropriate behaviour and conduct. While we like having fun, we also need to be mindful to ensure our conduct remains appropriate and professional. Any breach of these standards is taken seriously.

1. Purpose and application

The purpose of the Event Code of Conduct is to outline  the values and standards expected of all event attendees. This includes  LMG employees, contractors, business owners, brokers and their team members, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, partners, suppliers, and other participants at all LMG events, both physical and virtual.  These events  are an extension of all of our workplaces, and all relevant legal obligations apply, including Respect@work legislation.

By RSVPing and attending any LMG event, you agree to this Event Code of Conduct and ensure your behaviour aligns accordingly.

2.  Our Values

Our values underpin everything we do and guide our interactions with customers, communities and each other. Our values are:


3. Personal conduct

We expect all attendees to act courteously and respectfully , at all times, during and outside of official event hours, both in person and online (ie social media).  

  • Be kind and considerate. Respect others and apply common courtesy.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Be mindful of others to create a positive experience for everyone.

  • Behave appropriately and lawfully. You are expected to act in a way that is free from discrimination, bullying or harassment, including sexual and sex based harassment. Do not display any demeaning, harassing, aggressive, or intimidating materials or behaviour. Use welcoming and inclusive language and be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.  See below for more information about inappropriate event behaviours.

  • Be professional and responsible. Be responsible for your behaviour and actions and behave in a professional manner towards all attendees at all times.

4. Inappropriate behaviour

Harassment, aggression, violence and intimidation are unacceptable. This includes but is not limited to:


 Unlawful harassment is any form of behaviour that is: 

  • unwelcome (not wanted) or uninvited (not asked for);

  • a reasonable person would have anticipated would humiliate, offend or intimidate someone exposed to the conduct; and

  •  is based on one of the grounds of unlawful discrimination. 

Unlawful harassment can include, but is not limited to:

  • verbal abuse or comments that put down or stereotype people because of their race, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc;

  • jokes based on race, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc;

  • mimicking someone's accent, or the habits of someone with a disability;

  • offensive gestures based on race, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc;

  • bullying a person because of their race, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc;

  •  ignoring or isolating a person or group because of their race, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, etc; or

  • display or circulation of racist, pornographic or other offensive material (including in electronic format).

Avoid behaviours that are inappropriate in regards to: race, colour, creed, gender, gender identity, religion, marital status, genetic information, age, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability. 

Sexual Harassment

LMG is committed to a safe, diverse and inclusive environment and does not tolerate sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, or conduct. 

Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that could reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offense or humiliation. This can be verbal, nonverbal, physical, written, or electronic, and can occur between people of any gender. 

Examples of sexual harassment can include:

  • inappropriate physical contact, such as unwelcome touching

  • staring or leering

  • suggestive comments or jokes

  • sexually explicit pictures or posters

  • unwanted invitation to go out on dates

  • request for sex

  • intrusive questioning about a person's private life or body

  • unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person

  • Insults or a taunts of a sexual nature

  • Sexually explicit emails or text messages.

5. Drug and Alcohol Policy
At events where alcohol is available, conduct yourself  appropriately.  If impaired  due to alcohol or other substances, you may be asked to leave and restricted from future attendance. Venue staff have an obligation to ensure a responsible service of alcohol, and  may refuse service. Poor behaviour towards venue staff for any reason will not be tolerated.  

Additionally, LMG events support an environment that is free of inducement and social pressure to consume alcohol.

The use of, or being under the influence of illicit substances at an LMG event is unlawful and prohibited.

6. What are your obligations?

Everyone attending an LMG event is required to:

  • comply with this policy

  • do not assist or encourage other persons to engage in conduct in breach of this policy

  • where it is safe and you feel comfortable doing so, intervene if you observe any unacceptable behaviour at the event

  • where you are comfortable doing so, report any unacceptable behaviour that is observed as per below

  • maintain confidentiality.

7. Reporting inappropriate behaviour

Promptly report any behaviour that makes you or others feel uncomfortable to designated LMG Staff at lmgevents@lmg.broker or to any LMG staff member at the event or through compliance@lmg.broker if you require additional confidentiality.  

8. Whistleblowing

LMG is committed to having and maintaining a culture that encourages and supports reporting genuine concerns about  conduct at our events. Anyone who reports wrongdoing in good faith will not be personally disadvantaged.

We understand that some may wish to remain anonymous. LMG will protect the whistleblower’s identity whenever possible and will not disclose it without consent. If confidentiality cannot be maintained, we will discuss how to proceed with the whistleblower. 

In rare cases, confidentiality may be breached, such as during legal proceedings ,but LMG will do everything possible to support and protect the whistleblower.

Anonymous reports are considered but are harder to investigate. Whistleblowers are encouraged to put their name to any reports to assist with the investigation. 

To report sensitive concerns, please contact: compliance@lmg.broker

9. Consequences of inappropriate behaviour

Any breaches of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action taken against you.  Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. If you’re asked to stop,  comply immediately. Consequences may include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:

  • Offending attendees may be immediately removed from the event.

  • Inappropriate content will be removed.

  • Access to future LMG events may be limited/denied

  • Conduct may be reported to the relevant authorities

  • Offending attendees future/ ongoing relationship with LMG may be impacted

  • The termination of your agreement with LMG (in the case of agreement holders/ brokers)

  • The termination of your employment with LMG (in the case of LMG employees & contractors)

LMG reserves the right to vary, replace or terminate this policy at any time. 


If you have questions regarding this Event Code of Conduct, contact us at lmgevents@lmg.broker

Further information, visit: 
