Please ensure you've read through our terms and conditions.

  1. (Registration) These terms and conditions apply to any Event you register to attend (Attendee) and you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions when you proceed with the registration process by clicking “Agree”.  Event includes any meeting, function, retreat, symposium, conference, academy, forum  or award ceremony.

  2. (Payment and Confirmation) Payment is required at the time you register.  Confirmation of your registration and a tax invoice will be emailed to you at your nominated email address on completion of your registration and acceptance of these terms.

  3. (Cancellation) Should your circumstances change and you are unable to attend an Event, you must contact Loan Market Group (LMG) no later than 20 business days prior to the commencement of the Event. A cancellation fee of $50 will apply to cover costs incurred in relation to your registration. In the case of cancellation, it is the Attendee’s responsibility to cancel any bookings made by them associated with the Event such as flights and accommodation.  Cancellation of flights and additional accommodation bookings will be subject to the cancellation policy of the relevant supplier.

  4. (Communication) When we communicate with you we will generally do so by email or via phone. You agree that email and phone communications are contractually binding in the same way as properly executed and dated printed documentation.

  5. (Laws and Legal Requirements)
    5.1 (Legal Compliance) LMG must:
          - comply with all laws applicable to its provision of the Event; and
          - obtain all licences, approvals and other authorisations required by law to provide the Event.

    5.2 (Attendees’ Obligations) You must disclose to LMG on registration if you have any pre-existing physical or mental medical conditions that will put you or others at a higher risk during the Event. 

    5. 3 (Attendee information) The Attendee must provide all information and assistance that LMG reasonably requires to allow, LMG to provide and conduct the Event, and the Attendee to participate in the Event.

  6. (Insurance) LMG recommends all Attendees purchase comprehensive travel insurance, including for domestic travel.  Baggage and personal effects are at all times, the sole responsibility of the Attendee. Where, given the nature or location of the Event, it is a recommendation on registration to confirm comprehensive travel insurance has been purchased, LMG requires all Attendees purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers the full cost of medical evacuation and medical treatment if you suffer injury or illness during the Event.

  7. (Limitation of Liability) To the extent permitted by law, LMG’s liability for any breach or non performance of this Contract, shall be limited to a sum equal to that paid by the Attendee to LMG to attend the Event.

  8. (Force Majeure) To the extent LMG's delay or inability to perform an obligation under these terms and conditions (other than an obligation to pay money) is due to the existence of a Force Majeure Event, the affected obligations will be suspended until the passing of the Force Majeure Event, subject to LMG notifying Attendees of the Force Majeure Event and taking reasonable steps to minimise any disruption to, and resume the performance of, its affected obligations.

    A Force Majeure Event means an event beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming force majeure. It includes each of the following, to the extent it is beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party: an act of nature; war or terrorism; national emergency; epidemic; act or inaction of government or regulatory agency; industrial action outside that party’s own workforce.

  9. (Disputes) The parties must use their best endeavours to resolve all disputes first and failing that, then dispute resolution will be conducted between the relevant franchisor and franchisee associated with the Attendee, before commencing any court proceedings.

  10. (General)
    10.1 (Assignment) The Attendee must not assign any of its rights under this Contract without LMG’ prior written consent. LMG may assign its rights and benefits under this Contract at any time.

    10.2 (Jurisdiction) These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.

    10.3 (Entire Agreement and Amendment) This Contract is the entire agreement between the parties in relation to its subject matter. It may be varied only in writing by both parties.                                    

    10.4 (Severability) If any part of this Contract is invalid or unenforceable, that part will (if possible) be read down to the extent necessary to avoid the invalidity or unenforceability, or alternatively will be deemed deleted and this Contract will remain otherwise in full force

  11. (Privacy) By registering you agree to your contact details being shared with our event sponsors and partners. Please refer to the LMG Privacy Policy for further details on how we use your information.

Loan Market Group Pty Ltd. ABN: 83 105 221 967.  Level 26, 111 Eagle St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000.

Contact: LMG Events